Not much to say, except this is effing brilliant. The Nightingales used to be the Prefects, Birmingham Ur-punks that had a legendary 10 second song (VD) as well as a legendary 10 minute song (the wilfully dull and repetitive Going Through The Motions). Whereas the Prefects's complete recorded legacy amounts to one Peel Session, the Nightingales put out lots of records throughout the 80's. At a time when most post-punk bands were going for a smooth, overproduced sound, the Nightingales kept on banging and scratching away; they're sort of the missing link between early Rough Trade ramalama (Swell Maps et al) and later 80's noise like Big Flame and Dog Faced Hermans. Singer Robert Lloyd also ran the Vindaloo label of We've Got A Fuzzbox And We're Gonna Use It fame (who probably sold 50 times as many records as the Nightingales). Oh yeah, here's a nice picture of the guys standing in front of a pub called In The English Pisspot, can somebody tell me where this was taken?

Cakehole (both 1983)